Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010


b-scar-5855, originally uploaded by yodels2u09.

Savannah came home from the hospital yesterday. This is her today with her nasty staple incision. She's doing well and she's happy to be home. We're happy to have her home too.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Savannah's 7th Birthday (February 10, 2010)

Savannah turned 7 years old today.  We celebrated with her annual birthday cupcake and candle.  She's scheduled for surgery on the 16th to repair a bulging disc in her neck.  The past few months have been tough on us.  It's been hard seeing her unsteady and wobbly on her paws.  In December she must have hurt herself while jumping off the bed.  The injury most likely triggered her weaken disc(s) and now she is headed for surgery.  I'm scared; my husband is scared and we can only hope and pray that she will come out better than before, but most of all we pray that she will come through the surgery alive.

Here is Savannah having a lazy birthday cupcake.  She is not moving much...however, her tongue seems to be making up for her stationary position.




Happy Birthday My Precious Savannah!

How long can such beauty last when it is just  barely hanging from a vine?